Rot is eating away the interior of the house 房子内部正逐渐受到侵蚀。
The recession is eating away at their revenues. 经济衰退正在消耗他们的财政收入。
Toiling away at a job you hate may eat away at your happiness over time. 埋头苦干一项你痛恨的工作可能会逐渐侵蚀你的快乐。
Order your favourite meals and eat the night away. 点你最喜欢的菜,吃它一个晚上。
Such automated downloading can cause significant strain on a server that's hosting the content and eat away at the host's bandwidth. 此类自动化的下载会导致大大加重保存有该内容的服务器的负担,并消耗主机的大量带宽。
Many fruit teas are acidic and eat away at tooth enamel, with lemon and blackcurrant among the most damaging. 很多果茶都是酸性的,会慢慢侵蚀掉牙表面的釉质,其中要属柠檬和黑加仑的腐蚀性最强。
But its best-value-for-money calculation, which ranks the schools based on a ratio of debt and earnings for recent graduates, finds that the costs of the top-flight schools eat away most of their value. 但是它的最佳性价比排名基于学校近几届毕业生的负债和收入之比的排名发现,顶级商学院的高收费基本抵消了它的价值。
Eat away your blues. 吃走你的忧郁。
This time, net profit fell 27% from the previous year as intense competition continued to eat away at the company's smartphone business. 由于激烈的竞争继续吞噬着三星的智能手机市场,公司净利润比去年下跌了27%。
But it is clearly an issue that could slowly eat away at the dollar, given that the US currency would seem to have most to lose as the renminbi's global role increases. 由于随着人民币的全球地位加强,美元的损失似乎可能是最大的,这个问题很显然会逐渐蚕食美元的地位。
Because it will eat away our profits. 因为这样会减少我们的盈利。
And yet, something was missing. Slowly, a dark void found its way into my heart and began to eat away at my happiness. 可是,我总觉得缺了些什么,慢慢地,我心里产生了一种阴暗的空虚感,它开始吞噬我的幸福。
That's because the costs associated with credit card transactions quickly eat away at the profit a merchant would make on something that costs a few dollars or less. 那是因为成本与信用卡交易迅速侵吞商人的利润有关,要想赚钱重要的是成本只要几美元或者更少。
Everyone attend to not up so many, with avidity eat right away. 大家都顾不上这么多,马上狼吞虎咽地吃起来。
He wants to eat away. 他想痛快得吃。
It just gives the bitterness and resentment longer to eat away at you from inside. 而会让愤懑和仇恨更长时间地吞噬你的内心。
Many people has a little ant named "worrying" in their hearts, who often comes out of its nest to eat away their rare happiness. 许多人心中都潜藏着一只名字叫做‘烦恼’的小蚂蚁,常常放出来吃掉自己难得的快乐。
But I have to ask. it's justgonna eat away at me. 不过我要问你,我快忍不住了。
They eat away at healthy muscle. 节食会消耗掉你健康的肌肉;
Time really doesn't heal, it just gives the bitterness and resentment longer to eat away at you from inside. 实际上,时间不会治愈创伤,而会让愤懑和仇恨更长时间地吞噬你的内心。
The chlorine atoms eat away at the ozone layer. 氯原子大量吞噬臭氧。
Just as rust eats away iron, indulgence in bourgeois ways of life may eat away one's revolutionary will. 正如铁锈会腐蚀铁一样,沉溺资产阶级生活方式会消磨掉一个人的革命意志。
Wouldn't it eat away at me over the years? 我就这样年复一年的消磨下去吗?
Finally when they are golden brown take the scones off the baking sheet and leave them to cool or eat them straight away with butter and jam or clotted cream. 烤至金黄色时,把烤饼从烤板上拿下来冷却或是蘸着果酱或固体奶油马上食用。
We didn't want to eat them right away, so I peeled them and raised them, finally I put them in my freezer. 我们没有马上吃掉这些蚌,所以我把它们都去了壳,洗好了,最后进入冷冻室保存。
Eat away children, you're welcome to all you want Well, wash your hands, please. 吃吧,孩子们,尽情地吃吧。那好吧,先去洗手吧。
I thought he would eat it right away, but he didn't. 我以为他会马上吃,但他没有。
Your fair figure might eat away still further at your fading happiness. 你的合理数字可能会进一步吞噬你逐渐衰减的幸福感。
I never did understand what was eat away at her. 我始终不懂什么事在使她烦心。